Who Eligible to Apply?

  • Singaporean, Permanent Residents
  • Min. 21 years old and above
  • Currently Employed
  • Latest 3 months payslip
  • Latest 6 months or more CPF Contribution Statement
  • Income Tax Statement
  • Original PUB or Mobile bill reflecting your residential address

For more information about our services and how we can assist, you can contact us by email at applybigbank@yahoo.com

At Big Bank SG, we understand that it’s not just important to get you the money you need, but it’s just as important to do it fast. We offer various features in our personal loans to ensure that you won’t regret getting the financial help from us. One of these features is ensuring that our repayment plans are flexible and easy. Taking a loan and planning for its repayment couldn’t be much easier than with us.


With up to 80-90% approval rate !